Saturday, November 24, 2012

My First Beehive - Alex Delvecchio Group 2 Corr

This recent pick-up is a case of two firsts. The first being my first ever Bee Hive photo and second being another new addition to my Alex PC. This is part of a three group series of photos which started way back in 1934 and eventually ended in 1967. Alex Delvecchio appears twice in the Group 2 series and twice in the Group three series. In terms of collectability, there is a pretty big following out there of these Bee Hive cards and they even have their own online museum. If you are interested in a fun read, go here:   

Anyway, as far as Group 2 goes, Alex appears in two forms, once as Alex Delvecchio and another as "Bill Delvecchio" which is an error. There appears to be far more corrected ones online for sale than the original error ones. I am going to try to land all four as part of my PC since they are all produced during his playing days. Displaying them is something I haven't given much thought about, but I am sure Ultra Pro has something for collectors.

The design is pretty simple. There is a beige background for the series 2 which has a picture glued at the top on the beige paper. Typically you can see a little "staining" where the glue is, in this case it looks like a bit of water damage. In person, this actually looks much better than the scan shows and I was pretty pleased to land it for 5 bucks plus shipping. The backs are blank for those interested to know...

1944-64 Bee Hive Group 2 Alex Delvecchio

The fun thing about these is the fact that the superstars for the most part are very affordable and some of the rare ones are the less talented players and they can sell for thousands. Pentti Lund in a Boston Bruins uniform books for about a $1000 and I have never seen it before online for sale, while his Rangers one can be bought for about $15-20.


  1. I really like the old Bee Hive photos, but, I have yet to add any to my collection. Nice score for five bucks!
